Eve of Destruction: Perhaps not the best use of brain-machine interfaces
Eve of Destruction is a 1991 scifi movie where a beautiful, but cold, woman scientist uses her breakthrough in brain-machine interfaces to download her intelligence into an autonomous robot, only to have the android experience a #MeToo rage fest with all those repressed feelings about the ex-husband and ex-lovers. An updated version would have the android going after her condescending bosses and co-workers as well, but I digress. The movie poses many of the fundamental questions about life and robotics: Why do Tony and Emmy award actors like Gregory Hines take roles in movies like this? Why is an experimental robot carrying a small tactical nuke in her thigh (and who was on the ethics review board that approved that)? Why do we keep repeating the Dr. Morbius in Forbidden Planet “it’s never a good thing to download your mind into a machine” mistake?
It is a so-bad-it's-good movie-- could be great for date night (especially if you like to throw popcorn at the TV) or for the kids with a bit of a STEM discussion afterward.