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Competition: Create the Best Robot Background for Zoom

Now that everyone is working virtually using platforms such as Zoom and since Zoom lets you project a virtual background, it’d be great to have a library of robot backgrounds. No more of pretty flowers, beaches, and mountains, let’s get back to the future!

Competition details:

- Submit your entry via one of our social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

- Make sure it's safe for work

- Add your attribution

- I'd like to share these for anyone to use

- I'll pick the 3 best to send one of my text books of their choice for free

- This is in no way affiliated with Zoom

- You don't have to have rights to the image, it just has to be suitable for work

If you've not used Zoom or haven't used the feature, it allows you to place a virtual background on your video call, meaning you can hide the clutter in your background or add some humour to an otherwise dull business call. But the default templates are all quite basic, see below:

robot reading book

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