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Flash Review: Robots and HUMANS Should be Fans of Fan Fiction: A Mem-Noir BY BREnt spiner


In time for gift-giving, Brent Spiner takes a clever, very funny look at his life and career by writing a mystery about a nice Jewish boy from Houston, Texas, named Brent Spiner who, in his third year of playing Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation, is being stalked by a fan. Fan Fiction: A Mem-Noir doesn’t have much about robots but lots about being an actor and what it was like behind the scenes during the fabled ST:TNG run. You don’t have to be a Star Trek nerd, or even to remember any episodes, to enjoy this book though it is a particular treat if you were a fan of the show. And it’s fun trying to guess what parts really happened. If Spiner had only acting in ST:TNG on his bio, he’d be pretty darned accomplished. But he’s a good humor writer too! Pro tip: the audiobook is narrated by Spiner and has many of the actors playing themselves.


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